Debbi (and Carl),
        I too have been looking at different EDI solutions and EXTOL is one
of the ones I am considering. From what I have had explained to me and what
I've seen via online demos, the mapping process should not be as arduous a
task as it may seem due to EXTOL's Advanced Auto-map feature. Creating the
first map or two for each document type will be about the same as any other
mapper. Depending on the experience of the person(s) doing the mapping, you
can expect from one to five days per map. Once you have base maps defined
for the different transaction sets is where the Auto-mapper comes in to play
and reduces your development time. When you need to create subsequent maps
of a document previously mapped, the Auto-mapper will generate a map based
on the previuosly mapped document. The new map will then require some
tweaking. The maore maps generated for a specific document, the more
accurate the auto generated map will be. At this point, you should be able
to generate a map in mere hours opposed to days.

        I hope this helps in your time estimates.

Patrick F. Sczypiorski
Manager of Application Systems
Velvac, Inc
Phone (262) 786-0700 x371

-----Original Message-----
From: Debbi McCloskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 7:29 AM

We are considering a move from Harbinger Trustedlink for the AS/400 to
EXTOL.  I need to develop a time line/task list for converting all of our
trading partners from Harbinger to EXTOL, in order to get final approval to
do this.

Does anyone have a "rule of thumb" of how long it would take to create each
document, and then mappings for each trading partner?

Any information/advice on converting would be helpful.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Debbi McCloskey
EDI Systems Manager
MTD Products

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