Yip your correct.  There is another optional attribute, which identifies
whether an element is Fixed or Variable.  The default being Variable, as
this is by far the most common.


Ian Crawford
Web : www.eprosper.co.uk
eProsper Ltd. : Electronic Commerce Service Provider

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Chessman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: Time Zone Element - EDIFACT (XML Schema question)

> This is sort of tangential to the actual topic.  I see the DTM segment
> defined using an XML schema.  While we've debated the pluses and minuses
> XML in the past, I'd rather point out a minor limitation in the example
> below.  Within each element tag, there appears an attribute called length.
> The only problem here is that it is not clear whether the length refers to
> a variable-length or a fixed-length requirement.  There are some elements
> (agreed not many) within EDIFACT (and X12 should we choose to use a
> comparable XML schema for that) that are fixed length.  How can you tell
> when it's fixed length?  Is there another (optional) attribute?
> Thanks,
> Bill Chessman
> Peregrine E-Markets, Inc. (formerly Harbinger)
> On 16-Nov-2000 edi lst wrote:
> > Hi Paula,
> >
> > Your correct it does not have a specific Time Zone element, but you can
> > specify the time zone as part of the DateTime data.
> >
> > The DTM segment only has the following 3 elements.
> >
> > <segment name="DTM" repeats="5" role="M" desc="DATE/TIME/PERIOD">
> >     <composite name="C507" role="M" desc="DATE/TIME/PERIOD">
> >         <element name="2005" type="alphanumeric" length="3"
> > desc="Date/time/period qualifier" />
> >         <element name="2380" type="alphanumeric" length="35"
> > desc="Date/time/period" />
> >         <element name="2379" type="alphanumeric" length="3"
> > desc="Date/time/period format qualifier" />
> >        </composite>
> > </segment>
> >
> > The 3rd element Id=2379 has a list of code values which identify the
> > format of the date e.g. The code 2=DDMMYY, 102=CCYYMMDD etc.
> >
> > Some of the codes eg. 301=YYMMDDHHMMZZZ  have a ZZZ on the end of the
> > DateTime, the ZZZ can be used to identify the Time Zone, whicht the
> > DateTime relates to.
> >
> > Here are a few example codes, see the EDIFACT code list for full list of
> > the possible codes that can be used in element 2379.
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> >
> > Ian.
> >
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   From: Paula Cadle
> >   Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 4:25 PM
> >   Subject: Time Zone Element - EDIFACT
> >
> >
> >   How would I determine if there is an element to specify time zone in
> > the EDIFACT standard D97A?  The DTM segment does not have time zone
> > included.
> >
> >   Thank you,
> >
> >   Paula Cadle
> >   EC Analyst
> >   DotCom Technologies, Inc.
> >   330.645.7575  ext 3035
> >
> >
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