Quoted text is from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, by
Patricia Knabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Thanks to all who have responded to my question regarding Proofs of Delivery.
>Most of you have thought I meant proof that the invoice was delivered.  But I
>was actually looking for a solution with information concerning the delivery of
>the product or goods that the invoice is covering.

The UK Tradacoms standard (GTDI based - one of the precursors of
EDIFACT) allows for a Proof of Delivery Number to be quoted in an EDI
Invoice. PODN is a composite which allows a customer-assigned id. and
goods receipt date to be quoted. The Delivery Confirmation message,
which in an ideal world would have been returned to the supplier before
the invoice was issued, also contains a PODN to supply this information.

Whilst this is a nice idea, it is seldom implemented in practice because
Delivery Confirmation is a bit 'advanced' for most suppliers. Some hubs
bravely declare that PODN is Required in their MIG's (IC's) but in
reality their EDI departments are pathetically grateful if they get
*any* invoice information which identifies a delivery (delivery date,
delivery note number).

I do not remember any equivalent in the EDIFACT Invoice, and I am
blissfully ignorant of the X12 situation (any comment on which by me
would possibly be regarded by the estimable William J Kammerer as a turf
infringement :-) ). This posting is therefore made in the interests of
enrichment by cultural diversity.


Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
EDIMatrix Ltd  +44 (0)20 8559 2454 (work)
               +44 (0)20 8559 2497 (fax)

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