In my opinion,

XML, like EDI, will have its place in eCommerce.  One will compliment the
other, not replace it.  When there are set and agreed upon standards, some
companies may choose to migrate some of their trading partners to XML.
BUT....I can not see them moving all of their TP's from EDI to XML.

Now that 4030 is available, why are some still using 3040, or 3020, or for
that matter one of the 2000's.

Convenience!  Simply put, why fix it if it ain't broke.

So, as far as I am concerned, XML will be for some, EDI will be for others;
but a company will need to be able to at least utilize both formats in a
rare instance.

It all depends on who is the 800 pound Gorilla......

Have Fun!

Chris Cancilla
GENTRAN Sales Technical Hotline
Sterling Commerce, Inc.

 <<Christopher E. Cancilla (E-mail).vcf>>

Christopher E. Cancilla (E-mail).vcf

  • XML Whitehead, Anthony
    • Re: XML Frenkel, David
    • Cancilla, Chris

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