I'm not sure if this is relavant to EDI, but it's certainly an interesting
discussion thread.
(For those of you who are interested in discussing it more, you could go to
Napster's discussion forum at http://forum.napster.com.)

I've often debated with the "morality" of this whole thing....all the while
being jsut as guilty of "mooching" as anyone else is...downloading song
after song for free.
One thing is for sure, however.  No matter what the outcome of this drama
may be, Napster (http://www.napster.com) has definitely left its mark in
the world.
Even if Napster shuts down completely and is nevermore, there will
certainly be a need for easy-to-use file swapping/sharing by the masses.
There are a multitude of software packages out there that take advantage of
similar peer-to-peer file sharing technologies, and if Napster should die
by the wayside, there will certainly be several to take its place.
The idea of file swapping won't die so easily.  It's been around for quite
a long time...(IRC for example)....it's just that Napster made it so easy
for the everyday non-computer person to get online and swap files.
Perhaps, if Napster hadn't been ONLY for MP3's, maybe the recording
industry wouldn't have been so focused and hell-bent on bringing it down.

Oh, well....it was fun while it lasted.
And, there's always newsgroups!

Dan Tharp
DBA / EDI Specialist
G&D Transportation
50 Commerce Drive
Morton, IL 61550
phone: (309) 266-1177, ext 292

                    Druckenmiller          To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    <radruc@BELLSOU        cc:
                    TH.NET>                Subject:     Napster's Electronic Music 
                    Sent by:
                    Electronic Data

                    05:55 PM
                    Please respond
                    to Richard

There may only be a few more days in the life of Napster.  Many of you
may know them.  For those who do not they provide a ingenious way of
downloading and sharing music (MP3 files) on millions of peer to peer
computers around the world.

What is to prevent Napster from moving their servers off shore? If they
do, then who will be the final authority to shut them down.  Or should I
say who would then be the final physical authority to actually come and
unplug their servers? (maybe Sony would bribe the American government to
send the Green Beret)

This is an interesting subject as it is a national issue that will most
likely become a international matter of importance.

If Napster does not move off shore then someone will and do it all over
again.  But then again, it always comes back to money...Why would
Napster go offshore to deliver something free?

Richard Druckenmiller

"Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we EDI."

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