HI Guys,

I haven't been part of the Napster thread, and I did see the message Paul
referenced. I thought that WAS what the group was discussing--I've been
working on a solution like this for a few months now. If anyone would like to
help me by being testers, please send me an email.


630 330-2054

In a message dated 3/7/2001 3:31:32 PM Central Standard Time,

<< >
 > --Please don't continue Napster discussions here.  There are lots of other
 > places for them [pw]
         I have one question relevant to EDI about Napster.

         Napster has been very efficient at transferring information form one
 party to another and creating a large community of users.
         Is there anything that can be learnt from this model that can be
 used with Ecommerce
         Would a central dynamic registry of EDI contacts, their trading
 partners and messages would this accelerate EDI ?

         regards Paul

           . >>

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