Our company is in the process of testing the 850's vs. 4030 with Wal-Mart.  This message is directed to anyone out there who uses Sterling and may have already has success?
Here is our scenario:
We are currently in production with Wal-Mart for the 4010 vs. for all documents.
We use Sterling as our VAN and their Gentran Director 5.1 software.  I was told by Sterling to create a separate partner (Wal-Mart 4030) and also a separate communications profile.  The Wal-Mart 4030 partner has the 850 defined and the translation object is registered with the new 4030 850 template.  Wal-Mart has provided a separate testing mailbox for us to use.  Sterling recommended that we set up a separate communications profile with the testing mailbox id (so I did that).  When we transmit we keep getting the 850's as 4010's????
I also tried adding the new 850 vs. 4030 to our existing partner profile for Wal-Mart 4010.  I received the same data when we transmitted to Wal-Mart.
I am not sure the support at WalMart is giving us the right information.
Can anyone provide input???
Thank you!

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