Title: Good one from Target

Here is a good one.

Did you know, that if you have any EDI-related problem with Target Corp (TARGET/MERVYNS/DAYTON HUDSON) you have to call them?

You thought in this Electronic Age everybody has an email or at least fax #, but no!
They have been specifically instructed to process all EDI issues over the phone.
You know why? It will help them to keep track of EDI-related requests!
This comes especially handy when you have about 20 Control numbers you are missing FA's for :-)

So... Do you.... uuuh... Yahoo?

> Ilia Chlaifer
> EDI Coordinator
>> Kids Headquarters / Wear Me Apparel
31 W.34 Street, 11th Floor, NY, NY 10001>
> Bus:                    (212) 736-9266 x 152
> Bus Fax:            (212) 563-7959
> Email:                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> EDI Hotline:          (212) 736-9266 x 450
> Email:                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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