Great idea Derrick.

> You may have read in the February 20001 edition of Electronic Commerce World
> a forecast article (sidebar chart) outlining the average EDI Document
> costs from 2000 - 2004.  In summary, the cost of EDI documents would decline
> from $0.29 to $0.23 from 2000 through 2004 respectively.

They certainly seem a lot less than that here in Australia, but perhaps that ECW 
included "total cost", ie. some overheads.

> I for one thought prices were declining faster and have put together a very
> quick questionairre (10 single answer questions) that I am hoping each of
> you will take a few moments to complete.  I also believe the people on this
> list know better and research companies are usually a few years out on their
> findings.

I just did the questionnaire and noticed that there is no currency specified.  At 
first I
selected based on our price in Pac-Rim-Pesos ($AUD) then realised you probably want 
It makes our connection surprisingly cheap especially for a low volume user like us, 
then kilocharacter charges are not the only charge involved, we also pay a modest time

Cheers, Mark Dixon, Anysize Software Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 8 9249 4703  Fax: +61 8 9249 4052

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