I got this information this morning from Sterling

The following information is about the hotfix necessary to fix this
timechange issue with the 2.1.1 verisons of Gentran Server for NT.
You will notice that there are two versions, one for XML installations and
one for the standard installs of 2.1.1.
Instructions on how to apply this hotfix are included in the 211 SP1  XML
Daylight Savings Time Advisory.htm file, which is also attached.  

To attain these hotfixes please connect to the following ftp site. 

ftp site - 
uid - anonymous 
upw - your email address
Once connected please change to the DST directory and you will see 2
folders.  Download the folder that corresponds to your release of Gentran.
After that, follow the instrustions attached to update your copy of Gentran.

If you have any questions please contact customer support at 800.210.0980.

Glenn K. Smith
Senior EDI Systems Analyst
Re:SOURCES EDI Department
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<DIV><FONT size=1>I got this information this morning from Sterling</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1>The following information is about the hotfix necessary to fix
this<BR>timechange issue with the 2.1.1 verisons of Gentran Server for
NT.<BR>You will notice that there are two versions, one for XML installations
and<BR>one for the standard installs of 2.1.1.<BR>Instructions on how to apply
this hotfix are included in the 211 SP1&nbsp; XML<BR>Daylight Savings Time
Advisory.htm file, which is also attached.&nbsp; <BR><BR>To attain these
hotfixes please connect to the following ftp site. <BR><BR>ftp site - <BR>uid - anonymous <BR>upw - your email address<BR>Once connected
please change to the DST directory and you will see 2<BR>folders.&nbsp; Download
the folder that corresponds to your release of Gentran.<BR>After that, follow
the instrustions attached to update your copy of Gentran.<BR><BR><BR>If you have
any questions please contact customer support at 800.210.0980.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1>Glenn K. Smith<BR><A
Systems Analyst<BR>Re:SOURCES EDI

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