Your question is a little more complicated then it may seem. Lets begin by
saying that most trading partner transaction sets are a "subset" of the general
transaction standard and as such, you will be using only some of the available
segments and or elements in the approved standard transaction set. That said,
there are some tools available to allow for faster implementation of new maps
and trading partner solutions.
Trading partner relationships take on two very distinct flavors. One is that
in which a trading partner fits your subset well and requires no changes to
existing capabilities. In other words, the information sent meets all the
requirements for a transaction from the standpoint of your main application target.
No further capability is required by your application to load and utilize the data
received. Most of the work surrounding this type of implementation is at the
map level and within the translator. You will accomplish the maps and once
completed, test with the trading partner to ensure that the transactions that
they will send will process automatically with no errors.
The second flavor is a change to capabilities that you must or will need to build to
handle the trading partner's transmitted files. These tend to be more complex
as the added need to modify your applications to provide additional capabilities is
There are two good tools on the market for EDI documentation which aid and assist
in the process. It is extremely important that the capabilities of your backbone
application be documented from an EDI prospective to allow your development team the
ability to duplicate the process quickly. Foresight's EDISIM is one of the best on
the market and an added bonus is that the principle is a list subscriber. Bill Kammerer
provides input to the list quite frequently. EDISIM provides standard references and
the ability to produce the EDI transaction documentation which will allow you to
produce the backbone documentation in a form that allows the developer to read and
understand it and reflects how it is represented in EDI form (with segments and elements
EDIFECTS Commerce is a competitor who also puts out a similar product with much the same
capabilities as the afore mentioned product. They are also present on the list.
Both of the products allow for the processing of new trading partner data through the
documented capability standard which will point out your problems in a matter of minutes.
The documents need to be kept current as changes occur, but it provides a powerful
productivity boost to your process.
We are currently able to accomplish mapping with testing and migration to production in
two to five days depending on the complexity of the transaction set. Use of either of
these tools will force you to be more proactive instead of reactive. You must also
have a strategic EDI Plan in place to ensure that a trading partner's demands are not
leading you to the poor house. You need to also plan your implementations and work that
I hope that these tools and the advice will help you. I have included the contact information
for both companies below....
Foresight Corporation
4950 Blazer Parkway
Dublin Ohio, 43017 USA
Phone 1-800-669-5006
2430 130th Avenue NE #200
Bellevue, Washington 98005
Phone: (425) 895-3040
-----Original Message-----
From: Lamonde, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:43 AM
Subject: DEC/EDI Mapping
I haven't been working with EDI for very long, so please excuse my lack of
The company that I work for uses DEC/EDI (Digital Equipment Corp).
Currently, we do not have an in-house mapping expert. So, any time one of
our trading partners wants to trade a new EDI document, we STRUGGLE to get
the map together and get it working properly. Our usual process is to look
at the sequence & structure off all the elements & segments that are
required, then we begin our trial & error routine.
My question is this - is there an easier way for us to get this done? Are
there any kind of tools or books available that would make our lives
simpler? Currently, it takes us roughly 3 weeks to get a new map functioning
properly. Yes, we always get the job done, but it's a painstaking process.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,
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