try this:

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: XML primer

This is sort of off topic.

I am searching for resources (book, tutorial, website) that provide a good
introduction to XML.

I need to understand how to use a DTD, create an XML document, display an
XML document in a browser, and create my own DTD.

The relation to EDI is that some of our vendors are migrating their EDI
customers to a B2B solution using XML. I need to use my ERP's EDI interface
to create an XML document rather than an EDI document. My EDI application
knows how to map from/to an XML document. I want to understand how to take
the XML documents returned from these vendors and incorporate them as
though they were EDI documents.

Does anyone have a good place to start?

Jaime E. Zepeda

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