Me again!  Not sure if you remember my question from yesterday, but I was
able to figure out how to get my 8 numbers,however now I am having problems
getting it back up to my map.  It appears to be just using the originial
stored data.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Cindy Bean
E-Commerce Analyst
American Saw & Mfg. Company
---------------------- Forwarded by Cindy Bean/AMSAW on 04/19/2001 01:24 PM

04/19/2001 01:05 PM
Cindy Bean
Cindy Bean
Cindy Bean
04/19/2001 01:05 PM
04/19/2001 01:05 PM

Subject:  Scripting help

Hi everyone,

     I am trying to do my first user exit and having some problems getting
my value to return to my map.  I am passing a field APPROVE, with my user
exit called approval.  All that I am doing is parsing out the 8 numbers
from the sentance, CR/APPR#19450000 (cat $1 | tr -d '[a-z][A-Z]\/\#\=' ).
Unfortunately, that is also the value that I am getting passed (I think)
back to my 810 outbound map.   I can echo it back to a file on the unix box
and I get the correct value, 19450000.  Anyone have ideas of exactly how I
get it back up to my map?  I am assuming that it goes back up in the
APPROVE field again but that does not seem to be happening.

     Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Cindy Bean
American Saw & Mfg. Company

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