Time is running out to save money on THE premier electronic conference  in
the Northwest - the Fourth Annual Northwest EC conference.   After
Sunday, June 10th, the price goes up to $225. The conference is  still
worth that price, but you may as well sign up now and save $!

Check out the Northwest EC/EDI Roundtable website for more info on our
organization (

When: Monday,  June 18th
Where: Bellevue Doubletree Hotel
Price: Only $175 ($225 if you register after June 10th)
Includes: Keynote Speaker from Internet Security Systems, 4 tracks of 5 sessions each on cutting-edge EC topics - (you can attend  sessions from any track), an
exhibit area showcasing the leaders in  Electronic Commerce technology,
breakfast, sit down luncheon, morning and  afternoon break refreshments,
conference materials and a chance to network with your peers.

Our keynote speaker for this year's conference is Dan Nadir of Internet Security Systems

Here is a  description of Mr. Nadir's keynote address:
How Secure is Secure Enough?

Today's networked world offers limitless potential for reward, as well as risk. Every day, companies around the world are reinventing the way they do business by harnessing the power of the Internet. However, in their rush to take strategic advantage, many often fail to consider the implications of rolling out projects that are not secure. How much impact can an attack have on your business? How will it affect your relationships between you and your customers and partners? Are on-line business and good security mutually exclusive? Hear how to strike a balance between 'not connected' and 'not secure'.  


Please let your friends and colleagues know about this outstanding
educational opportunity. Register now to save money! We look forward to
seeing you there. We're expecting this  year's conference to be our best

To see the conference information online or to register, check out the
conference website at:
www.multicorp.com or call the conference line at 1-800-516-9490.

Again, here are the  titles of the different speaking slots. Find more
information by  visiting the conference website above:

Track A – EC Fundamentals
Workshop 1 :
EC Bootcamp
Workshop 2:
EC Audit and Control Systems
Workshop 3:
Can I Save Money by Moving my EDI to the Internet?
Workshop 4:
Interoperability: Disparate Systems Communication
Workshop 5:
Global Internet Commerce - Fact & Fable

Track B - XML
Workshop 1 :
XML Bootcamp
Workshop 2:
XML Technical Workshop
Workshop 3:
Why Should Businesses Move Towards ebXML?
Workshop 4 :
The Development of XML for B-to-B Messaging
Workshop 5:
Can EDI and XML Co-Exist? 

Track C – Emerging Technologies
Workshop 1:
Advancing Your Business with Electronic Commerce
Workshop 2:
Using EDI in the Collaborative Supply Chain
Workshop 3 : 2nd Generation EDI - What is it? Do you want it?  
Workshop 4 :
Extending EDI for B-to-B Business Collaboration
Workshop 5 :
Integration - The Key to Realizing the E-Business Vision

Track D – Real-World Applications
Workshop 1:
Steps to E-Business
Workshop 2 :
XML / e-Business Case Study
Workshop 3 :
The Evolution of a Manufacturing Web Site
Workshop 4:
Trading Relationship Management
Workshop 5:
Electronic Banking Initiatives

Sherri Gerhardt
President, Northwest EC/EDI Roundtable

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