> Quoted text is from <383546839.989331464307.JavaMail.root@web313-wrb>,
> >How would you do that programatically?
> It rather depends on which language you are using :-)
> If I request "DIR dmxtrans.gif" then a line is returned to me
> (or stored
> in file if I so request it) which seems very similar to the UNIX ls -l
> format.
> -rw-r--r--   1 webuser  web          323 Apr 29  1998 dmxtrans.gif
> The above may have been word-wrapped by your mailer.
> Empirically I would
> extract columns 33 to 40 of the line and convert them to an
> integer (in
> this case 323) to get the file size.

Awk works for this sort of thing.  I don't have access to a Unix machine
this instant in order to test it, but it would be something like this:

        bytecount=`ls -l  dmxtrans.gif    |  awk '{print $5}'`

(The thing after the filename is a "pipe" symbol.)  This, or something very
nearly like it, would place the fifth space-delimited token from the "ls -l"
output into the variable "bytecount".

> In our FTP interfaces we pull down the files first, and then check the
> sizes locally if needed, but one of the joys of using FTP is that most
> trading partners have subtle differences in their requirements for
> naming, re-naming, deletion, semaphoring, etc. so that the EDI FTP
> interface needs to be partner-specific script driven, and the script
> language has constantly to be 'enhanced'. We haven't
> implemented parsing
> of a DIR listing yet, but it is always possible that we would
> need to do
> it tomorrow.
> Regards
> Chris
> --
> Chris Johnson  +44 (0)20 8501 1490 (home)
> EDIMatrix Ltd  +44 (0)20 8559 2454 (work)
>                +44 (0)20 8559 2497 (fax)
> http://www.edimatrix.co.uk
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