A new release of OBOE Open Business Objects for EDI has been posted on
the American Coders web site.  For more information visit

This release includes new classes and methods to improve translation
processing time.

OBOE translates between several Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
document formats and EDI/XML files.  The package is targeted at legacy
EDI users who want to integrate their systems with the  Internet quickly
and easily using standards based technology.

Release 2.4.0 May 15, 2001

    Major changes to classes and methods.

       Added an additional input parameter to DataTokenizer (inner
          class of Tokenizer) to accept escape characters. In EDIFact
          question mark is used as an escape character so that code
          may include delimiters inside text (e.g. single quotes in
          data values).

       Replaced SegmentTokenized string use of java.util.StringTokenizer
          with inner class DataTokenizer in Tokenizer class. This is to
          allow EDIFact escape characters.

       Improved capability to track EDI document errors. New classes
          and methods created. Prior releases would exception out at
          first error. Envelope object is marked in error and exception
          is thrown at end of parsing process.

             Added new classes and new methods to old classes.

             DocumentErrors class keeps track of individual errors in
               an EDI document.

                  Changes made to the following classes for this class
                    EDIDocumentParser - added DocumentErrors object to
                    its attributes

                   X12DocumentParser, EDIFactDocumentParser passes
                    DocumentErrors object to Tokenizer class to track
                    document errors. And then calls the envelope
                    object's validate method with the DocumentErrors
                    object to find errors with Mandatory segment and
                    data elements and data element contents.

                       1.if any parsing errors are found the document
                         parser objects will display to the
                         system.err file the found errors and then throw
                         an OBOEException
                       2.You should always check the envelope's status
                         to see if it has been marked in error using
                         the class method

                   The deprecated parsing classes X12.Parser and
                    EDIFact.Parser do not use a DocumentErrors object.

                   Base EDI objects: envelope, functional group,
                    transaction set, segments, composite and data
                    elements added validate(DocumentError) methods to
                    find errors with each of these objects.

                   Replaced error validation logic inside of the
                    OBOEditor class and its subclasses.

             Tokenizer keeps track of segment container to allow
               reporting and to allow parsing process to pick up where
               it left off. This allows the Parsers to find misplaced
               or misused segments. And the parser attempts to restart
               where the error occurred instead of simply shutting down.

    Minor changes to classes and methods.

       Added new parameter to buildTransactionSet static method, new
          boolean parameter indicates if built transaction set is to be
          stored in working transaction set vector. request to generate
          a Well-Formed XML file was not creating a root element.
          request to Envelope.getFormattedText(Envelope.XML_FORMAT) will
          now generate a root element named "Envelope".

       DataElement getFormattedText will include escape character if
          segment or element delimiter is found in data element value.
          Works with Envelope.EDIFACT_FORMAT requests only.
          RICE (Rules and Implementation Convention Editor) was not
          normalizing some input fields.

       I limited RICE editor so that particular fields (ID's Names, ...)
          could not be changed. Several users preferred to allow editor
          to change almost any object definition.

       OBOEServer mail thread halted prematurely.

       OutgoingEDIMail class changed to work with anti-spam servers
             Added attributes popID and popPassword to the class.

             Added method setupForPOP(id,password) to initialize class

             Added logic to the 3 sendMail methods that will logon to
               the POP server if the password attribute is set.

             Altered the static main class (used for testing) to accept
               options differently (see java docs for more information).

             Added method setKeyStore(String  inKeyStoreFileName, String
               inKeyStorePassword) to set keystore attributes.

       Segment parser exiting too soon when X12 NTE segment found.

Joe McVerry, President and Chief Technical Officer
American Coders Ltd.
POBox 97462
Raleigh, NC   27624  USA
Home Of OBOE - Open Business Objects for EDI
        xBaseJ - xBase Database Engine For Java

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