I finally solved the problem.  I spent several hours reviewing the logs and
"pondering" and noticed that the problem always cropped up with an 04256
application batch (dispatch).  I was able to take an 04256 application data and
recreate the problem.  The translation job was run in test mode and I noticed
that the translation output file was empty (file size of 0).  Thus I have a
transaction coming in and no output coming out, but Harbinger expects to create
an output file.  It wrote an empty post translation file.

I theorize that during translation the translator created a temporary output
file, once translation was complete, the translator kicked off the queue manager
program.  It read the temporary output file, got end-of-file and didn't create
the queue file (but reported that it did), but it continued on processing and
kicked off the gateway script (event driven mailbox).  The gateway got an
end-of-file and rather than dying gracefully, it tried communications again, and
again, and again each time opening an FTP connection.

I'm not an expert on the Gateway so my explanation may be off.  I fixed the
problem by modifying the map to always produce output per unit of work (queue

Thanks to everyone who responded with suggestions.

Michael Taylor
EC Specialist
Banctec - Corporate Information Systems

 -----Original Message-----
From:      Taylor, Mike P.
Sent:     Thursday, May 31, 2001 11:18 AM
To:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED] at Internet'
Subject:     Peregrine Gateway FTP stuck in endless loop

I didn't see any response from the tle-list, so I thought I'd pose the question
to the experts on this list.

Since then I've learned the following:

In an effort to find a timely solution, we did some more digging by looking
"farther upstream".  We found the working directory that corresponded with the
FTP endless loop and examined the variables file.  The variables file showed
nothing out of the ordinary except a file that showed successfully written to
the Gateway was not written to the mailbox directory and not logged in the
Gateway Queue.  Since the translator thinks it wrote the file successfully it
kicked off the Gateway.  The Gateway had nothing to send and caused an endless
loop or the translator keeps requesting the file to be sent(I guess).

We've requested Peregrine modify the Gateway to comprehend that it has nothing
to send and end the communication session gracefully (don't start the endless
loop).  We've also requested that Peregrine modify the outbound translator to
identify and capture the "write" failure.

As an attempt to relieve the problem, we have rolled back the edixlato
executable from to

Michael Taylor
EC Specialist
Banctec - Corporate Information Systems

 -----Original Message-----
From:      Taylor, Mike P.
Sent:     Friday, May 25, 2001 1:44 PM
Subject:     Gateway FTP stuck in endless loop

TLE 4.2, SUN

Has anyone experienced the following problem when using the Gateway FTP

We are ftping from our translation server to our FTP server using the Gateway's
FTP capabilities.  The Gateway connects to our FTP server, then connects to our
FTP server, then connects to our FTP server, and so on (all within the same
second for the same trading partner).  What happens is that eventually all the
FTP ports are taken and the Gateway gets a "connection refused" error message,
which halts the endless loop.  The Gateway and all external FTP partners will
get the "connection refused" error message until the FTP session start timing
out (15 minutes).  This occurs several times during a day (mostly at night) at
random times.

As a bandage, we set the FTP timeout to 30 seconds.  This helps to ensure there
are ftp ports available, but now the endless loop never stops.  In the morning
we stop and restart the Gateway.

We are a time sensitive shop and any help would be appreciated.  I've turned the
Gateway trace on and trace on for the trading partner in question.  This morning
the lg files were almost 1 gig each and the edilog was about half a gig.  The
show that each connection is successful, but end abruptly.  I think the ftp
communication termination is not terminating the ftp session before it quits.  I
opened a ticket with Peregrine and sent the files to them for review.

P.S.  I checked the ftp script and it is identical to the ones we use with our
other trading partners.

Michael Taylor
EC Specialist
Banctec - Corporate Information Systems

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