After contacting Walmart this morning about the DNS Reference segment missing on several entries in the 5/27 816 Full List, we were informed that any store opening after 10/1/2001 will not be assigned a DUNs + 4 number, and you will need to use the prefix of the GLN to identify the parent company.  However, they already have one instance where a Sam's warehouse has a Walmart GLN... We have been relying on the Duns number to identify whether it is a Sam's or Walmart store seeing the stores are bundled in one 816.  Any input on how to maneuver around this latest hurdle and separate out the stores between Sam's and Walmart accurately would be appreciated. 

Bob Bergstrom
Technology Solutions Inc.

Phone:  (888)366-8911/(419)666-7190
Fax:    (419)666-7199


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