Title: Sweets
I am extremely pleased to announce that Betsy Smith, formerly Chief, Systems & Electronic Commerce, DOD Defense Personnel Support Center has joined Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd. as a Senior Associate.
Betsy Smith brings a wealth of experience and expertise in EDI and electronic commerce to RFA’s clients. While with the Defense Personnel Support Center in Philadelphia, she served in a number of leadership and supervisory roles. As Chief, Systems & Electronic Commerce, Ms. Smith had total responsibility for the planning, directing, coordinating, developing and implementing computer systems and EDI worldwide to facilitate the U.S. Department of Defense procurement, inventory, transport and distribution of food to military units, agencies and organizations involved with humanitarian relief globally.

Prior to being named Chief, Ms. Smith served as Deputy Director of Electronic Commerce, DPSC. In this role she was responsible for the DPSC’s EDI efforts for grocery, medical supplies, and clothing and textiles. This effort included the implementation and support of the ANSI ASC X12 transaction sets for purchase orders, invoices, advance ship notices, and electronic catalogs with over 500 trading partners, including General Foods, General Mills, Nabisco, Del Monte, 3M, and DuPont.

Previously, Ms. Smith also had responsibility for directing the automation support function of DPSC, which purchased over $5 billion in food for military services and commissaries worldwide. As Division Chief, she supervised three branches of 30 programmers and analysts responsible for large scale database management systems, departmental systems and EDI.

Before joining the DPSC, Ms. Smith was Systems Manager at the United States Attorneys Office where she managed the data processing functions, including hardware, mainframe operating systems, and applications systems. Ms. Smith was also Computer Specialist for the Environmental Protection Agency in Philadelphia, where she had systems design responsibilities for capturing ambient air quality data and monitoring wetlands use on the Atlantic Coast.

Ms. Smith holds a M.S. in Mathematics from Mary Washington College, University of Virginia, Fredericksburg, VA; a Certificate from Simmons College, Graduate School of Management, Boston, MA; and a Certificate, Personnel Management for Executives, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY.

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Strategies for Electronic Commerce
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860


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