a year or so ago, I tested Mercator on NT, Win98 and Solaris Platforms.
Unfortunately, I do not have the exact figures, but the Solaris platform
processed about 150K transactions to NTs 45K transactions to Win98s 40K
transactions. The time, if my memory is correct, was 5 minutes. The
translations tested were from a proprietary format to ANSI 834 3070
transactions and back to the same proprietary format.  As an aside,  I also
tested Paperfree on the same NT and Win98 machines ( I did not have a Solaris
version of Paperfree available for testing.). The Paperfree figures were
slightly higher in the ansi to propriatry versions and slightly slower in the
proprietary to ansi version.

There appears to be three limiting factors: Memory size, processor speed and
disk access time. In general memory size came out as the most important factor
for any given processing speed.


Luba Fedus wrote:

> Hello Mercator users,
> I was wondering if anyone could provide some feedback on the performance of
> Mercator running on NT versus UNIX.  Better, worse, about the same,
> particular quirks, etc.  Any information you can give would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Tks/Luba Fedus
> EAI Lead

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