I would like to congratulate Steve on the first 8000 lb gorilla sighting on
the EDI -L list.
I know this was a typo, but I can't resist pointing  out that the weight of
an adult male gorilla is only for a males 300-500 lbs.
This means tht the 800 lb Gorilla is BIG, and the 8000lb Gorilla is
technically a Walmart.

BTW Gorillas recognise each other by their faces and body shapes. Each
gorilla has a unique nose print.
If only the ACH had such advanced technology.

yours in pomposity

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 10:59 PM
> Subject:      Re: Success Story
>         I agree in your scalability approaches, your preaching to the
> choir here.
> Although Vendor side EDI 100% scalable designs prove difficult.  For
> example
> 10 customers you end up with 6 running through a generic process, 3
> running
> with enhancements of the core generic process, and 1 with totally seperate
> processes (usually the 8000 pound gorilla).  There are still benefits to
> be
> reaped, albeit less.
>         I don't see XML vs EDI solving this.  Hey some gorillas take the
> standard and
> modify it and append their name to the end of the version....
> It's the indian not the arrow,
> -Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ken Steel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 3:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Success Story
> >
> > One of the problems of trad-EDI is that it does not scale very well.....
> >
> > If it takes a week to implement a new trading partner using trad-EDI and
> > there are 500 trading partners, it will take 10 years to cover the
> > partner base....
> I must disagree with you and agree with Mr. Miller on this. EDI scales
> well IF
> THE SCALE-ER STOPS TO THINK before locking in a system design and creating
> all
> kinds of maps and integration code.
> Whenever I see a client/prospect for the first time, I ALWAYS ask them for
> the
> little "grid" with partner on one axis, document-direction on the other
> axis.
>  I
> tell them to make the list include "every partner, every document they
> ever
>  got
> asked about."
> While many (most?) EDI implementation consultants implement
>  partner-by-partner,
> I always go document-by-document. (The same document in both directions
> counts
> as two documents) . That way I know the system will be "scalable" as more
> partners are added for that document - because the first partner for any
> document is, in effect, a change of scale and you get an automatic
> scalability
> test!
> Yes, I usually need to talk the client out of going partner-by-partner.
> True,
> many client/prospects have reached some kind of crisis point, ("850, 810
> and
>  856
> tomorrow or I buy elsewhere!"), but for the most part they accept that the
>  best
> plan is the plan which allows for growth ("After you get Mr. Important
>  Customer
> set up.").
> In your example, setting up a system which requires a week to set up each
> additional trading partner should never have happened, as long as you knew
> you
> were going to have 500 partners. Instead, more time should have been spent
> focused on, "how do I make this document easy to implement for additional
> partners?"  Yes, you spend a little more time up front, but you more than
> make
> it up in volume.
> Michael C. Mattias
> Tal Systems
> Racine WI
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