How about comparing VAN vs VAP (Value added Internet Access Provider)?

Most VANs will become VAPs or at least provide Value added service over
Internet, if not access to internet. The assumption here is that "security"
over Internet is a non-issue. Most VANs even today provide same internet
type access to their network.

The cost "should" come down significantly plus you get all the advantages of
VAN. I "think" Transettlements provides such a service over Internet.

>The list goes on and it can be pretty easy to save 50%.

When comparing cost, the percentage saving in terms of total transaction
value should also be taken into account. We still like to courier a business
document (even demo CDs) even though the same can be sent by normal mail (at
more than 200% of cost!). This may not be a very good example but hopefully
thought provoking.

I do not forsee Value Added Sevice going away but I do forsee the same being
provided over Internet, without any loss to exisiting VANs, since they are
the one's who'll proivide this value addition.

Thank you,


Ajay K Sanghi
Managing Director

ABO Software Private Limited
B102 Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049
Tel: +91 11 6968976, 6512822 Fax: 6518873

-----Original Message-----
From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Derrick Hammett
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 6:40 PM
Subject: VAN vs Internet (JB Hunt)

Once in awhile an email sparks such responses, but step back and look at
things from a different view:

Problem:  VAN Costs?

It appears most people are satisfied with EDI as the standard for
transacting data - for the most part.  They've invested a lot of time and
money.  Their TP's are finally up and running (or should be).  There are
many companies offering new solutions that make it much more affordable than

Solution: Get the same service but with a lower price.  A VAN moves data
from one location to another.  The Internet the same thing, but may not
offer the same Added Services.  Someone is going to make money at moving the
data?  The goal is to simplify your modes of data transmission that would
lower the cost.  What you want to do is scrutinize your VAN bill as its
probably not the "per transaction cost" that are high but the little extras.

I had the pleasure of comparing charges recently.  Some added charges:
Peak vs. Off Peak both reg. and interconnect, TP sent peak and off peak
Dialing charges, Monthly mailbox, Summary reports (isn't that how they bill
Storage charges, maintenance fees,

The list goes on and it can be pretty easy to save 50%.

Internet vs. VAN as a transaction medium can be the same, its just how
willing is the VAN to adapt to the changes, utilize the internet and
continue to provide solutions for their customers all the time.

or Maybe I just have a very simple view on the whole process.

Derrick Hammett
Director of Sales & Marketing
Commport Communications International, inc.
41 Industrial Parkway S., Unit #2
Aurora, Ontario, Canada, L4G 3Y5

Phone: 905-727-6782           Fax: 905-727-7251

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: JB Hunt and EDI to XML (and

We installed IPNet almost 1 year ago.  On the front-end it was quite costly,
but because of our volume, it paid for itself in about 2.5 months.  It also
allowed us to start electronically sending Point-Of-Sale (POS) files rather
than exchanging tapes, which we did rather than paying thousands of dollars
each month for POS data VAN charges.  Another words, our character volume
for all EDI transactions has almost doubled, while our costs have gone down
by about 75%.  Those costs are from customers that continue to transmit via

Installation was difficult because we were the first UNIX site.  After
installation IPNet has been very dependable.  My concern is that the high
cost of purchasing IPNet or a similar product makes it hard to add partners.
We currently have two partners and we are testing with a third.  I have
talked with some of our larger volume customers.  They are interested, but
without more of their trading partners using this type of tool, they cannot
justify the purchase.  One of our two partners uses IPNet and the other uses
Cyclone.  There is at least one other tool, I do not remember the name, that
is also compatible.  It is critical that these tools remain interchangeable.

My two cents worth.

Rob McHattie
The Valspar Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve X Lee SL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: JB Hunt and EDI to XML (and

"will now be expecting even faster monkeys pulled out of ever tighter

Bad command or file name, please retry.


In a previous position (2 years ago), I had a chance to evaluate IPnet's
"solution" and it is, indeed, a rather slick message
management/communication package, very flexible and robust, I thought.
I didn't take a look at the translation portion, as we weren't going to
switch translators, but what I saw was pretty neat (although for budget
reasons, not purchased) and was most definitely a VAN replacement, first
and foremost, I'd say.  It would be nice to get some solid info, because
I am sure the business people who read this article will now be
expecting even faster monkeys pulled out of ever tighter behinds ;)

Just my 2 cents.


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