I have been reading the emails from our EDI family, and I am quite touched by the fact that we, as members of the EDI community, are our own little family.
Most everyone that I know has been affected by the act of cowardice in some form.  Personally, I had friends that work in the Pentagon.  All are OK (email is great).  My wife had a friend whose husband was on the second plane that hit the World Trade Center.  Remember, life goes on.
Unfortunately, the American Red Cross needs blood, but if you have lived in Europe during the 1980's for a total of 6 months you are deferred because of the Mad Cow Disease.  I spent two years of my military career in Europe......
I will donate my abilities, my money, and my time in other ways for this tragedy. 
Again, thank you, all of you who are in this EDI family.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled transaction set!
Christopher E. Cancilla
Technical Sales Hotline
GENTRAN (all platforms/products)

4600 Lakehurst Court
Bldg 2, Floor 2, Room 2113
Dublin, OH 43017

(469) 524-2508 ---> Hotline
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Cancilla, Chris.vcf

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