Yesterday morning our lives changed forever more... travel hassles is just
the beginning... if we do it right.  If any of you have travelled the rest
of the world much you'll recall the bright-eyed soldiers and their Uzzi's in
Rome, Athens, Tokyo and Israel; and the soldiers and tanks all around
Heathrow; and the soldiers in Bangkok that will rip a camera out of your
hands and destroy the film if they even think you took their picture.  And,
in EVERY CASE, the only possible way you could even get very far inside the
terminal was with your passport... no exceptions, no discussion, no
nothing... and no gum-chomping, shirt-tail-out ignoramous standing by the
security station grinning at you either: it was generally someone that was
serious as a heart attack, that you could believe may be able to kill you
with their thumb.  You'll also recall that most other countries of any
substance, have had something fairly large blown up at one time or
another... by the IRA (London) or Islamic terrorists (Rome) or the Red Guard
(Bangkok, Hong Kong and Tokyo)... and they took it very seriously and do
their best to prevent it from happening again.  Now it's our turn.  New
game, new rules.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Scanlan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:24 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Response to Air Travel]

You are absolutely correct. I recently took a trip to the Detroit area
airport. I was elated when the security people didn't make me take my
laptop and carryon out of the metal cart they were strapped into and let
them just go through the x-ray machine intact. I also noticed they barely
paid attention to the bags as they went through the x-ray machine. I guess,
we as passengers are part of the problem if we resent the security measures
put in place for our protection and don't complain if they are not followed
Next week I'm headed to SanDiego and they better look my bags over real
well. Only then, will I be sure that all bags are being properly inspected.
Guess it's worth getting to the airport a little earlier to be sure you get
to your destination safely.
Mary Scanlan

Lee LoFrisco wrote:

> Most of you responded with one general theme ... "let's not change
> our lives in reaction to these events ... doing so gives these
> terrorists a victory."  The idea behind terrorism is to invoke
> terror to such an extent that our daily lives are considerably
> different.
> very secure.  On more than one occasion, I have passed through
> airport security, set off the alarms, and no one searched me
> ... even though I stopped and waited.  What about the smaller
> regional airports where the xray machine technician is drowsy
> from boredom or distracted by idle conversation?
> My travel plans will not change, but my awareness and concern
> are heightned.  I am willing to support drastic improvements
> in airport security even if it means higher costs and less time
> with friends and family.  Please support these efforts.
> Thank you to all those who have and will respond to these questions.
> Support America in Her Time of Need!
> Lee LoFrisco
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