
I just implemented an UEFI filter driver for the BlockIO protocol. The
intention of this driver is to provide an encryption/decryption driver
for a block device (disk partition). I followed the hints as given in
this thread:
Unfortunately the Windows UEFI boot loader seems to ignore the filter
driver and boots from the device without filter. In that case that means
that Windows tries to boot from the encrypted partition.
Has anybody any idea how to bring Windows to connect to the filter
driver while booting? Here are the details how the driver works:

When the driver is connected to the controller (the controller must
provide the BlockIo protocol) then the driver first opens the BlockIo
protocol of the controller in mode EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER |
EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_EXCLUSIVE. Then a child device node is created by the
driver that provides the BlockIo protocol. This BlockIo protocol
interface implements the filter function of the driver. When now another
EFI driver or EFI application connects to the child node then the
BlockIo protocol provides the filtered result: In my case the filter
makes a decryption or encryption of the content of the BlockIo of the
parent node (the controller). When another EFI driver or EFI application
connects to the parent node, then the BlockIo protocol provides the
original data (without the filter driver). This was tested using the EFI
shell and seems to work properly. Beside of the BlockIo protocol, the
child node also provides some other protocols: the DevicePathProtocol
and ComponentNameProtocol. In the DevicePathProtocol, the type of node
is encoded. I tried with Type = MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH, SubType =
HW_VENDOR_DP. All that cases are working in the EFI shell as described
above, but when I try to boot Windows 8.1 from an encrypted partition,
it does not work.

Here is how I tested it with Windows: First I tried to boot Windows from
the encrypted partition without the EFI filter driver. As expected, the
boot process stops very early with a blue screen. Then I enabled the
filter driver and booted again. Since Windows did not have its own
crypto device driver, I expected that it will crash as well, but later
as in the first case because the Windows EFI loader can use the filter
driver to access the disk and read and start the kernel. But
unfortunately this was not observed: Instead, the boot process stopped
at same position as without the filter driver and with the same error
messages. This means to me, that Windows does not connect its EFI loader
to the provided child node of the partition device, it seems to use the
parent node that does not use the filter driver for the BlockIo protocol.

So the question for me is: How can I force the Windows EFI boot loader
(bootmgfw.efi) to use the filter driver for the BlockIo protocol?
My speculation goes in the following direction:

(1) Maybe the Windows EFI boot loader never uses child device nodes, it
explicitely uses the partition device and uses its BlockIo protocol. In
this case I have no idea how to design the filter driver since the
BlockIo protocol of the parent device is required to access the
partition data and cannot be replaced by the flter driver BlockIo
protocol. Also, this device can only provide one instance of the BlockIo
protocol and not two. One possibility might be to remove the BlockIo
Protocol of the parent device (the partition) and redesign the filter
driver in the way that it consumes the DiskIo protocol instead of the
BlockIo and provides the BlockIo at the parent device that implements
the filter functionality. Besides the filter functionality, the
transformation of the BlockIo protocol to the DiskIo function must be

(2) Maybe the Windows EFI boot loader is able to access the child node,
but only for dedicated device Type/Subtype combinations (as defined by

(3) Maybe it is possible to explicitly tell the Windows EFI boot loader
to use the child node. This is usually done using the BCDEdit tool under
Windows where such settings are made. In fact, the boot device can be
set with that tool. The syntax of this tool accepts definitions like
partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume4, which seems to correspond to a
dedicated EFI partition device. Unfortunately the tool does not accept
to extend the path \Device\HarddiskVolume4 to address the child device
path, like \Device\HarddiskVolume4\crypto. This is not accepted by
BCDedit. Hence, the question is how this can be configured.

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