On 22/01/16 02:59, Fu, Siyuan wrote:
Thanks Michael, maybe use UUID is a good way to solve this issue. But I still 
curious why the server has such requirement which is apparent violate the RFC 
requirement. Could you provide more details?

The DHCPv6 RFC was designed without taking network boot into account. There is no way, for example, for a network bootloader to use the same DUID as the operating system that is going to be booted, since the DUID includes elements of arbitrary choice (e.g. which network device to use for a DUID-LL, and which time to use in a DUID-LLT).

RFC 6355 attempts to improve this situation, by suggesting that all DHCPv6 clients should converge on the use of DUID-UUID. This at least eliminates the elements of arbitrary choice, and makes it possible for a bootloader to use the same DUID as the booted operating system.

However, many customers (such as yours) are used to creating reservations by MAC address rather than by UUID. With DUID-UUID, the MAC address is not exposed anywhere in the DHCPv6 packet.

There is no good solution to this problem at present.

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