I could have sworn I'd responded to this last night, but it was late,
and I see no evidence of such in my outbox or on the list. Apologies if
I'm repeating myself...

On Thu, 2016-03-17 at 00:15 +0000, Kinney, Michael D wrote:
> Jordan asked a similar question about adding a 'staging' directory or 
> 'staging'
> branches to the edk2 repo.  If you look at the edk2 repo today, it has master 
> and the supported UDK* branches.  In the transition from SVN -> GIT, the old 
> tags
> were removed and archived.
> The reason for suggesting a new edk2-staging repo is to keep content that
> is not ready for products to be clearly separated.  We do not want anyone
> to pick up any of the staging content and put it into shipping FW images.
> There was also a minor concern about the size of the edk2 repo, but it
> was shown that this is not really an issue at this time.
> So the choice here is a set of staging feature branches in the current 
> edk2 repo with clear communication that none of them are product ready.  
> Or a new edk2-staging repo with feature branches (current proposal).

This seems to me to be a false dichotomy. You've left out the third
option, which is just to use the tools as they were designed to be

Let people set up their submissions in github repositories of their own
(which works for groups as well as individuals, and allows loosely-
formed collaborative groups as well as more formal projects). And you
can already track their submissions at

> I think a process to create/merge/remove feature branches in the 
> tianocore.org repos is required because we really do not want too 
> many branches.  If the feature being developed is smaller in 
> scope, developer owned github branches or email PRs should be sufficient.

Developer-owned github repositories are suitable for larger submissions
too, surely? (With associated discussion on the mailing list which was
always part of the plan, of course. I'm not suggesting that it should
necessarily happen *only* in the github PR format.)


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