Updated UNI spec to remove info specific to some consumers, not format.
Updated UNI spec to allow non-ascii characters in strings.

Cc: Qiu Shumin <shumin....@intel.com<mailto:shumin....@intel.com>>

Cc: Erik Bjorge <erik.c.bjo...@intel.com>

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0

Signed-off-by: Jaben Carsey 

There are 3 sections here.  The table of changes, the beginning of chapter 2, 
and chapter 4.



*          Syntax for non-ascii characters inside quoted strings


*          Info on specific consumers (.INF & .DEC) removed.

April 2016

Unicode Strings File Format
EDK II Unicode files are used for mapping token names to localized strings that 
are identified by an RFC4646 language code. The format for storing EDK II 
Unicode files is UTF-16LE. The character content must be UCS-2.
The UNI files contain UCS-2 characters stored in either UTF-8 or UTF-16LE 
format on disk.
Strings ends are determined by the first of the following items found:

*            a control character

*            a comment

*            the end of the file

*            a blank line
Comments may appear anywhere within the string file.
All the files must begin with a Unicode BOM character.

Note:    Please make sure you select an editor that supports UCS-2 characters 
that can be stored in a UTF-8 or UTF-16LE file.

2.1                  Common EBNF
The following EBNF uses quoted (double quotes) encapsulated characters to 
represent UCS-2 string literals. In the following definitions, the semi-colon 
is used to denote a comment.

<US>                ::=  " "

<Letter>            ::=  {(\u0041-\u005A)} ; Characters A - Z
                         {(\u0061-\u007A)} ; Characters a - z

<Digit>             ::=  (\u0030-\u0039)   ; Characters 0 - 9

<MS>                ::=  <US>+

<ME>                ::=  {<MS>} {<EOL>}

<CommentLine>       ::=  "//" <US>* <PCHars> <EOL>

<BlankLine>         ::=  <EOL>

<Chars>             ::=  (\u0001-\uF6FF)

<PChars>            ::=  (\u0021-\uF6FF){(\u0020-\uF6FF)} {<OpChar>}

<OpChars>           ::=  "\x" [{<HexDigitU>}]{4} "\"

<VChars>            ::=  (\u0021-\uF6FF)

4                      Redacted

Formerly "Meta-Data UNI Files". This chapter intentionally removed.

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