Hi Andrew,

I think I root cause the issue that Clang LTO X64 OVMF hang in Sec. It is 
related to the LLVM LTO has not supported the large code model yet which cause 
X64 LTO code cannot be loaded to run at high address (larger than 2GB). Please 
see the detail in below llvm thread discussion. Apple engineer (Mehdi) says  
ld64 on OS X does not support large code model in LTO either, which means your 
Xcode LTO tool chain should have the same problem.


Could you do me a favor? I’m trying to persuade LLVM community to support the 
large code model in LTO, because it is very important for Uefi firmware Clang 
LTO enabling. I think Apple compiler team guys have big influence in LLVM 
community, could you help me explain the Uefi firmware requirement to your 
compiler team before they say no to me in the LLVM community. It seems not very 
difficult to enable the large code model in LLVM LTO and “it is really a 
trivial option to add” according to Mehdi’s input. Please help!

Steven Shi
Intel\SSG\STO\UEFI Firmware

Tel: +86 021-61166522
iNet: 821-6522

From: af...@apple.com [mailto:af...@apple.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 12:53 AM
To: Shi, Steven <steven....@intel.com>
Cc: Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>; edk2-devel@lists.01.org; 
Justen, Jordan L <jordan.l.jus...@intel.com>
Subject: Re: [edk2] edk2 llvm branch

On May 25, 2016, at 9:43 AM, Shi, Steven 
<steven....@intel.com<mailto:steven....@intel.com>> wrote:

Hi Andrew,
For the Clang LTO generate wrong code on Qemu X64 issue, I found it is related 
to the high address (>2G) wrong sign-extend displacements to 64 bits. E.g. I 
hope “jmp qword ptr 0xfffcdd54[0]” in 64 bits mode is to jump to the address in 
[0x00000000fffcdd54+0], but in fact, clang lto generate instruction to jump to 
address in [0xfffffffffffcdd54+0]. Qemu X64 is very special that its SecMain 
run in 64 bits mode, and its execution address happen to be 0x00000000fffcxxxx. 
If there is any instruction need indirect address access, the clang lto code 
will wrong access very high 0xfffffffffffcxxxx rang, which cause page fault 
error in Qemu X64 sec. This is why this issue does not happen in IA32 tip, but 
only in X64 tip.

BTW, could you help to build the XCode LTO Qemu X64 image as below and send it 
(edk2\Build\OvmfX64\DEBUG_CLANGLTO38\FV\OVMF.fd) to me to test whether the 
XCode LTO Qemu X64 image really work?
build -a X64 -t CLANGLTO38(replace it with your XCodeLTO tool chain) -p 
OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc -n 5 -b DEBUG -DDEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT

Below is this issue detail info:
You know, Clang LTO aggressively inline (or collapse) code together, and then 
like to use many Jump far, absolute indirect, instructions, which is quite 
different from Clang normal build. In the attachment, there is a LTO assembly 
code example of MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLibInternal.c. You can create 
it with below command:
build -a X64 -t CLANGLTO38(replace it with your XCodeLTO tool chain) -p 
OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc -n 5 -b DEBUG -DDEBUG_ON_SERIAL_PORT -m 
 -o PrintLibInternal.s

And in this PrintLibInternal.s, you can see the Clang LTO use two indirect Jump 
far as below. These two indirect Jump far cause the Qemu X64 SecMain page fault.
# /home/jshi19/edk2-fork/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLibInternal.c:446:9
                jmpq     *.LJTI3_0(,%rdx,8)

# /home/jshi19/edk2-fork/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLibInternal.c:528:7
                jmpq     *.LJTI3_1(,%rax,8)

                .quad    .LBB3_36
                .quad    .LBB3_33
                .quad    .LBB3_35
                ... ...

                .quad    .LBB3_56
                .quad    .LBB3_26
                .quad    .LBB3_89

To more clearly show the page fault arch info, I leaverage Simics MinnowMax to 
re-run the Qemu X64 SecMain LTO code to reproduce it. I add one more line in 
line 528 to let simics stop just before the page fault point. You can see the 
new PrintLibInternal.c and its LTO assembly code in attached 
PrintLibInternal.c-Simics and PrintLibInternal.s-Simics. Below is the page 
fault point:

                .loc         2 528 7 is_stmt 0       # 
                callq       MAGIC_SHOW_VALUE
                .loc         2 529 15 is_stmt 1      # 
                movq    -416(%rbp), %rax
                .loc         2 529 7 is_stmt 0       # 
                cmpq     $87, %rax
                jle           .LBB3_66
# BB#72:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB3_23 Depth=1
                leaq       -97(%rax), %rcx
                cmpq     $23, %rcx
                ja            .LBB3_73
# BB#76:                                #   in Loop: Header=BB3_23 Depth=1
                jmpq     *.LJTI3_0(,%rcx,8)
                … …

In below Simics, you can clearly see the “jmp qword ptr 0xfffcdd54[rcx*8]” 
instruction cause the processor access logic address 0xfffffffffffcdd54 (not we 
hoped 0x00000000fffcdd54)


Can you dump the bytes for the instruction and look it up in the Intel manual. 
I did not think that a jmp does a sign extend? I usually dump the code in lldb 
to get the byte, assembly, and source mixed together so I'm not sure how to do 
it in your setup.


Andrew Fish

which cause page fault exception, then the page fault trigger General 
Protection (Exception 13) because there is not exception handler in Sec parse.
The content in [0x00000000fffcdd54] is 0x00000000FFFCC8FA as below

There is no page table to map logic address 0xfffffffffffcdd54, so there is no 
content in [0xfffffffffffcdd54] :

Steven Shi
Intel\SSG\STO\UEFI Firmware

Tel: +86 021-61166522
iNet: 821-6522


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