Hi Juergen

1)      If you are asking SMM profile feature, my comments below:

This SMRAM profile feature is only debug feature. Default is disable. See below:

  ## The mask is used to control memory profile behavior.<BR><BR>
  #  BIT0 - Enable UEFI memory profile.<BR>
  #  BIT1 - Enable SMRAM profile.<BR>
  # @Prompt Memory Profile Property.
  # @Expression  0x80000002 | 
(gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMemoryProfilePropertyMask & 0xFC) == 0

If you want to play with SmramProfile, you can use Quark or MinnowMax as 
example to enable this feature by yourself.

If you want to check the SMRAM usage on a real platform, then you have to 
contact the BIOS vendor to let them give you a special debug version.

2)      If you are asking how to dump SMRAM, my comments below:
As Laszlo mentioned, it is a typical security violation. So BIOS should block 
such request.

If you just want to do some POC work, you can use Quark or MinnowMax as 
example, to skip SMRR and SMRAM lock by updating the BIOS code.

If you want to dump SMRAM from a production BIOS, I think it is NOT allowed.

Thank you
Yao Jiewen

From: edk2-devel [mailto:edk2-devel-boun...@lists.01.org] On Behalf Of Laszlo 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 11:28 PM
To: Juergen Rall <r...@sybera.de>
Cc: edk2-de...@ml01.01.org
Subject: Re: [edk2] UEFI Reading SMRAM Area

On 05/31/16 15:51, Juergen Rall wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to readout the SMRAM of an existing UEFI-Bios.
> Therefore I wrote a UEFI application

If that worked, it would be a security vulnerability for your platform.
SMRAM is (supposed to be) locked down before third party (=
non-platform) code gets executed, including UEFI_DRIVER and

You may be able to inject an SMI (the specs define controlled and valid
ways for this, even for an OS), but then the platform's SMI handler
(implemented in the firmware) will take over. If you can influence that
handler to do your bidding (such as copy out various SMRAM areas to
memory you can later access in your OS or UEFI_APPLICATION), that's a
security vulnerability for your platform.

> inherited by the EDK2 sample
> MemoryProfileInfo:
> EFI_STATUS GetSmramProfileData(VOID)
> {
>     EFI_STATUS Status;
>     UINTN CommSize;
>     UINT8* pCommBuffer;
>     EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL* pSmmCommunicationProt;
>     UINT64 ProfileSize;
>     PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ProfileBuffer;
>     //Get SMM communication protocol
>     Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(
>                             &gEfiSmmCommunicationProtocolGuid,
>                             NULL,
>                             (VOID**)&pSmmCommunicationProt);
>     Print(L"LocateProtocol Status: %lx\n", Status);
>     if (EFI_SUCCESS == Status)
>     {
>         //Get buffer
>         CommSize = sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (UINTN) +
>                    sizeof (SMRAM_PROFILE_PARAMETER_GET_PROFILE_DATA);
>         pCommBuffer = AllocateZeroPool(500);
>         if (pCommBuffer)
>         {
>             Print(L"AllocateZeroPool CommSize: %lx\n", CommSize);
>             // Get Size
>             pCommHeader = (EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER*)&pCommBuffer[0];
>             CopyMem (&pCommHeader->HeaderGuid, &gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid,
> sizeof (gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid));
>             pCommHeader->MessageLength =
>             pCommGetProfileInfo->Header.Command      =
>             pCommGetProfileInfo->Header.DataLength   = sizeof
> (*pCommGetProfileInfo);
>             pCommGetProfileInfo->Header.ReturnStatus = (UINT64)-1;
>             pCommGetProfileInfo->ProfileSize         = 0;
>             CommSize = sizeof (EFI_GUID) + sizeof (UINTN) +
> pCommHeader->MessageLength;
>             Status = pSmmCommunicationProt->Communicate(
>                                                 pSmmCommunicationProt,
>                                                 pCommBuffer, &CommSize);
>             Print(L"pSmmCommunicationProt->Communicate Status:%lx\n", Status);
> When I call pSmmCommunicationProt->communicate, I get the error 0x000000e,
> which I suppose is due to the fact, that I use gEdkiiMemoryProfileGuid,
> which isn't existent in the current UEFI Bios (2.40).

The above may be a validly formatted and submitted SMM request, but your
platform firmware likely doesn't support this specific type of request.

> Now what should I do instead ?

- Give up on the idea.
- Or, well, contact your platform vendor to allow you access to their
  SMRAM contents... good luck with that!
- Take some bus probing etc. hardware to your motherboard.


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