
I would like to propose 3 new UserExtensions in the INF specification.  These 
would be optional sections that can be used to convey additional information 
about the module.  This additional meta data is not expected to be used by the 
build. This is used by additional tools to help verify DSC functionality and 
completeness.  Modules that will not function based on the contents of the 
flash image could for example be easily identified.

Please respond with comments/objections/suggestions by next Friday June 17th.

1) BY_START / TO_START interaction

Currently the Protocols that are produced or consumed by the driver are marked 
as such in the INF file [Protocols] section, but there is no information on the 
interactions between these protocols.  This extension would allow the conveying 
of complex interactions to fully describe the meaning behind the TO_START and 
BY_START tags in the [Protocols] section.

The syntax for this section is proposed as:
<BY_START Protocol Id> "|" <Expression>

Where Expression uses Protocols marked TO_START, PCDs from the [Pcd] section of 
this INF file, and standard operators per the EDKII Expression Syntax document. 
 Each entry evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and if any expression evaluates to TRUE, 
then that Protocol will be produced in the DriverBinding Start().

Here is a valid example for a file system driver.  The additional information 
that is conveyed here is that BlockIo and DiskIo are both required, but only 
one of UnicodeCollation and UnicodeCollation2 are required.  Otherwise, the 
meta data requires both UC and UC2 for DriverBinding Start() to be successful.

  gEfiDiskIoProtocolGuid                ## TO_START
  gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid               ## TO_START
  gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid      ## BY_START
  gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid      ## TO_START
  gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid     ## TO_START

  gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid  | gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid AND
                                      gEfiDiskIoProtocolGuid AND
                                      (gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid OR

2) SOMETIMES_CONSUMES additional information.

Currently Protocols/PPI/GUIDs are marked as UNDEFINED or SOMETIMES_CONSUMES 
with no way to know whether these will be consumed (thus required).  This 
section would have information to define which would be consumed based on other 

The syntax for this section is proposed as:

Where Expression uses items marked UNDEFINED or SOMETIMES_CONSUMES, PCDs from 
the [Pcd] section of this INF file, and standard operators per the EDKII 
Expression Syntax document.  Each entry is evaluated individually as a Boolean 
and if any one evaluate to FALSE, then the module will not function due to 
missing dependencies.

Here is an example.  The additional information that is conveyed here is that 
one of Performance and PerformanceEx is required, but not both.

  gPerformanceProtocolGuid    ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
  gPerformanceExProtocolGuid  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES

  gPerformanceProtocolGuid OR gPerformanceExProtocolGuid

3) SOMETIMES_PRODUCES additional information.

Currently Protocols/PPI/GUIDs are marked as SOMETIMES_PRODUCES with no way to 
know when these will be produced.  This section would have information to 
define which would be produced based on other data.

The syntax for this section is proposed as:
<PRODUCES Id> "|" <Expression>

Where Expression uses items marked SOMETIMES_PRODUCES, PCDs from the [Pcd] 
section of this INF file, and standard operators per the EDKII Expression 
Syntax document.  Each entry evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and if any expression 
evaluates to TRUE, then that item will be produced.

Here is an example.  The additional information that is conveyed here is that 
one of gEfiDiskInfoIdeInterfaceGuid is produced if gEfiDiskInfoProtocolGuid is 
present (or produced).

  gEfiDiskInfoIdeInterfaceGuid ## SOMETIMES_PRODUCES

  gEfiDiskInfoProtocolGuid     ## BY_START

  gEfiDiskInfoIdeInterfaceGuid | gEfiDiskInfoProtocolGuid
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