On 7/7/2016 2:27 PM, Marvin H?user wrote:

I don't think these strings can ever be statically allocated. If pointers to 
stack variables were used, the strings would be theoretically invalid the 
moment the exposing function returns. Furthermore they can't be part oft he 
struct itself as that would change the offsets of all other members after the 
string. Hence I think it can be concluded they are always dynamically allocated.
And as one can be sure they are dynamically allocated, I think it's the task of 
the function that uninstalls the protocol to free the two buffers. Should the 
protocol not be uninstalled till ExitBootServices(), it doesn't matter either 
because the OS loader may treat Boot Services code and data as free space.

Did I miss something?

They could be globals. The problem is that the memory leak occurs every time a FMP client calls the GetImageInfo function, and since UEFI scales down to small embedded systems (e.g. it runs on my credit card-sized HiKey board), that's a bad thing. Elsewhere in the spec I see it called out who's responsible for memory management, so either I'm missing something or there was a mistake in this place.

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