On 2016.09.22 12:14, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
For X64 and AARCH64, the issue does not exist because the EBC spec
mandates that all function arguments are widened to the native word
size. So when executing on a 64-bit architecture, the EBC stack looks
differently from what you describe above, and maps seamlessly onto the
register assignment mandated by the respective calling conventions.

Ah, I see that you're right, and that I was trying to solve an issue that shouldn't exist:

From UEFI 2.6, paragraph 21.9.3:

"32-bit integers are pushed as natural size (since they
should be passed as 64-bit parameter values on 64-bit machines)."

I must admit I was a bit curious as to why this problem wouldn't have been picked before.

So that leaves only the issue you mentioned. But then I'm not too hopeful with the timeframe for Arm/EBC integration when you say "we need language spec and compiler updates before we can fully support this"...

Do you know if work has been started on this? Or are we just going to consider that this is too troublesome a problem to fix?


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