
I was wondering if anyone here could provide some clarification on how to create dynamic HII forms.

Currently I have a Form A with multiple goto statements to Form B.
When the user clicks a goto, my ConfigCallback function will use the QuestionId to get the data to populate Form B with from a UEFI variable. Form B's values appear to be updated when I use HiiSetBrowserData.

However, when I do this I notice that after the user modifies Form B, the "Configuration Changed" string does not always appear. As a result when I try to save the form, there are no calls made to my RouteConfig function. When I enter Form B the internal question values for that form are not updated with the values. Because of this the form doesn't recognize when its questions are modified.

I was wondering if anyone has had experience creating form where the internal question values need to be modified on entry, and what the common convention was for doing this.

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