Hi All,
     I meet the same error as kathirk rasied in 
https://sourceforge.net/projects/pi-sct/ two years ago
     Is the owner in this list can help to answer or solve this issue? I tried 
to file a bug in bugzilla.tianocore.org but  cannot found the packget in 
"Package" field.

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I ran this PI SCT on BayTrail platform and I am getting six error in SmmBase2 
protocol test. In PI_SCT tool, SmmBase2BbTestDriver is a DXE_SMM_DRIVER which 
locates the EFI_SMM_BASE2_PROTOCOL and installs six different protocols based 
some condition. In PI_SCT tool, SmmBase2BbTest is a BS_DRIVER which is trying 
to locate the protocols which are installed by SmmBase2BbTestDriver and returns 
EFI_NOT_FOUND for all of those six protocol that causes those six errors in 
PI_SCT. I found that SmmBase2BbTestDriver was not dispatched, so those protocol 
were not installed but SmmBase2BbTest got dispatched and returned those errors. 
Why PI SCT did not execute the SmmBase2BbTestDriver ? And I am getting two more 
errors in ACPI SDT Protocol Test, those two errors mentioned below. Test case: 
EFI_ACPI_SDT_PROTOCOL.Close -It should EFI_SUCCESS,and the checksum should be 
 - Success Checksum = 2
 2, AcpiTableBuffer->Checksum = 22 Observation: It seems that PISCT tool gets a 
wrong table to compare the checksum. GetAcpiTable_Conf: 
EFI_ACPI_SDT_PROTOCOL.GetAcpiTable -it should returns EFI_NOT_FOUND, when a 
table was not found. 
 - Success Observation: PI SCT tool installs an ACPI table and removes the same 
table using TableKey and it expects that EFI_NOT_FOUND status should be 
returned which means it assumes that there is no other ACPI tables in the 
system. It is an wrong assumption. I think, PI SCT tool generates those eight 
errors by checking invalid conditions. GCD services test: PISCT tool verifies 
the MTRR or page table consistency in GCD services test. PI SCT simply returns 
pass while checking this test case in X64 (SctInstallPackageX64). Why does it 
skipping the particular test case in X64 only? Is there any way to fix those 
conditions on PI SCT tool? Please give your s
 uggestion about this?

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