Hi Laszlo,

This was a good suggestion.  The TianoCore Bugzilla 
server has been updated.

Let us know if this works as expected now.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laszlo Ersek [mailto:ler...@redhat.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 5:52 AM
> To: Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
> Cc: edk2-devel-01 <edk2-devel@lists.01.org>
> Subject: search plugin for the TianoCore Bugzilla
> Hi Mike,
> (1) OpenSearch plugins are very useful for bug trackers because
> they
> allow users to perform simple searches (incl. direct bug
> numbers) right
> from their web browsers.
>   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSearch
> Such OpenSearch plugins are supposed to be compatible with
> Safari, Edge,
> Firefox and Chrome:
>   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSearch#Support
> I think that such a search plugin would be helpful for TianoCore
> BZ
> users as well.
> (2) The Firefox docs describe two methods for a website to offer
> a
> search plugin:
> (2a)
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-
> ons/Creating_OpenSearch_plugins_for_Firefox#Autodiscovery_of_sea
> rch_plugins
> (2b)
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
> US/docs/Web/API/Window/sidebar/Adding_search_engines_from_Web_pa
> ges
> When a website implements the first method, a Firefox user can
> install
> the site's search plugin by clicking the "magnifying glass with
> sign" icon that is to the left of their search bar. According to
> the
> above wikipedia article on OpenSearch, this is the generic /
> multi-browser method called "Auto-discovery".
> When a website implements the second method, the user needs to
> click a
> normal link. I'm unsure if this method works outside of Firefox.
> (3) The TianoCore Bugzilla already implements method (2a),
> namely
> auto-discovery -- if you navigate to
> <https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/>,
> the "magnifying glass with PLUS sign" icon appears in Firefox.
> However:
> - The name of the plugin that is offered is plain "Bugzilla". I
> think
> it's too nondescript; there are many bugzilla instances on the
> web, and
> a user should be able to install & tell apart several such
> plugins in
> his/her web browser.
> - The icon associated with this search plugin is Mozilla's
> default
> lizard figure. Also too nondescript IMO.
> (4) I've created an alternative page where
> - a similar search plugin is offered with the name "TianoCore
> Bugzilla",
> - and the icon associated with the plugin comes from
> "MdeModulePkg/Logo/Logo.bmp" (cropping the image to a square
> from the
> left side).
> This page implements both installation methods (2a) and (2b);
> please
> check it out:
>   https://people.redhat.com/lersek/tianocore-bugzilla-
> opensearch/
> (5) I suggest that we try to incorporate these improvements
> (i.e., the
> more specific plugin name, and the matching icon) in the
> TianoCore BZ.
> (6) I also tried to offer the improved plugin in our wiki
> article
>   https://github.com/lersek/edk2/wiki/Reporting-Issues
> However, the github wiki pages do not support either install
> method (2a)
> or (2b); please see why under:
>   https://github.com/github/markup/issues/79#issuecomment-
> 317394553
> Hence my suggestion in (5) -- we should stick with the TianoCore
> BZ's
> built-in plugin offering (which is also multi-browser), but we
> should
> update the icon and the plugin name to more specific ones.
> Thanks,
> Laszlo
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