Just wanted to followup on my experimentation with Qemu and EDK2's DuetPkg.
So far I have successfully been able to load the Duet image in Qemu after
refining my image making skills. Though having an issue with UDK2010 NOT
being able to load the 'Bootx64' or 'BootIa32' efi boot loader. I also
compiled 2010-SR1 and this problem is not present and works with 2010-SR1.
Using DDK3790 and VS2010 to compile both packages in DEBUG mode. Should
also mention was able to load the EDK-2010 standard Duet Image inside
Virtualbox as well HOWEVER need to turn on 'EFI' mode inside Virtualbox
settings for the bootx64 or bootia32 efi loader to load!

You might ask why using such an old version of EDK? Well I have noticed
that UDK-2010 compiles with the smallest file size and I am planing to
insert the final image into my firmware with limited space so every KB

So if anyone can offer some advice I would very much appreciate it..

Thank you.

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