On 05/27/18 22:44, Andrew Fish wrote:
>> On May 27, 2018, at 9:47 AM, Marvin H?user <marvin.haeu...@outlook.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Good day Abhishek,
>> I CC'd the MdeModulePkg maintainers, Ruiyu for the Platform BDS aspect 
>> (exposes the ReadyToLock protocol) and Laszlo for his high-quality answers.
>> Strictly speaking you are, right, because of the description for the MM 
>> protocol:
>> "Indicates that MM resources and services that should not be used by the 
>> third party code are about[Marvin: (!)] to be locked."
>> Practically however, I don't see any issue with the current implementation. 
>> Code inside MMRAM is not affected directly by the lock, it is just notified.
>> However, either the code or the specification should be slightly updated to 
>> be in sync. A code update might require review of the caller assumptions, 
>> just to be sure.
>> I have a different concern though and hope I'm actually overlooking 
>> something.
>> If I understand the code correctly, it is the Platform BDS that exposes the 
>> (S)MmReadyToLock protocol. PiSmmIpl seems to consume that event and lock SMM 
>> resources based on the event.
>> Because of latter being an event however, I don't think it is, or can be, 
>> guaranteed to be the last event group member executing.
>> When it is not the last, the "about to be locked" part is not true for any 
>> subsequent callbacks, that could actually be a risky break of the 
>> specification - if it is.
>> If it is a break of the specification, I can only think of letting Platform 
>> BDS expose an "internal" event group, which is only caught by PiSmmIpl, 
>> which then drives the actual SmmReadyToLock flow.
>> This would require updates to all platform trees and hence I would propose a 
>> temporary backwards-compatibility.
>> Any comments? Did I overlook something (I hope)?
> Mavvin,
> You are correct there is no guarantee of order in events. Thanks for cc'ing 
> the right folks, as I don't remember all the low level details...
> In general the idea behind the MM code is it only comes from the platform, 
> then by definition that code should be aware when the platform was going to 
> lock MM. In a practical sense any MM module that had a depex evaluate to true 
> would have dispatched in DXE prior to BDS being launched. In general BDS is 
> the code that enumerates PCI and connects devices, thus there is no chance 
> for 3rd party software to run before that point in the boot. So in an 
> abstract sense that lock represents the end of DXE dispatch.

This is my understanding as well. gEfiDxeSmmReadyToLockProtocolGuid is
installed by Plaform BDS before any non-platform binaries get a chance
to run. In terms of the current PlatformBootManagerLib interfaces, that
means the protocol should be installed from
PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole() (as noted on the API declaration itself).

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