On 02/14/19 18:39, Rebecca Cran via edk2-devel wrote:
> I noticed a couple of issues with the page
> https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II-Debugging -
> 'SNI' should be 'SNP', and the |PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel is missing some
> entries.
> |
> How do I fork the wiki repo to make a pull request?

I suggest the following:

(1) clone the wiki to your local workstation. The repo URL is


(2) In any project that you have *on github*, enable the wiki (specific
to that project). Then, add *that* wiki as a "remote" to your local
clone that was made in step (1):

[remote "mine"]
        url = g...@github.com:GITHUB_USERNAME/PROJECT.wiki.git
        tagopt = --no-tags

The command I recommend is

  git remote add --no-tags mine \

(3) You can develop wiki article changes in your local repo, on a
dedicated topic branch. Simply commit and rebase as you see fit.

(4) For rendering your local changes, force-push your local topic branch
to the master branch of your own wiki:

  git push --force mine TOPIC_BRANCH:master

Then, if you refresh your own wiki page, on github, in your browser, you
should see the changes.

Please note that this step is destructive, with regard to the personal
wiki that you push to.

In addition, IIRC, this step requires SSH pubkey auth to be enabled in
your github profile. (Step 2 could require it too; I'm not certain.)

(5) Once you are done with development, simply format the patches as
usual, and submit them to edk2-devel with git-send-email. For
formatting, use the parameter

  --subject-prefix='edk2-wiki PATCH'

This will tell reviewers the patches are for the wiki.

I can help apply the changes when they are suitably reviewed.

I'm not sure if we have designated maintainers/reviewers for wiki pages.
Usually there is a related area in edk2, so I guess the edk2
maintainer(s) could double in the docs reviewer role too.

> On each page there's
> a "Clone this wiki locally" box where I can clone
> https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io.wiki.git, but when I
> try and fork it I instead fork
> https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io which doesn't have the
> same files either on the master or gh-pages branches - it looks like
> https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io has the files for
> www.tianocore.org, not the wiki?

The wikis on github are non-intuitive, if you intend to edit them in a
normal text editor, locally. I struggled a lot until I came up with the
list on top. (It's possible I relied on others' advice in that; I no
longer remember.) I hope it helps.

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