Hey All,
So, as it turns out, we here in the US change to Daylight Savings Time,
whereas in PRC they do not change their clocks. Because of this, I've
moved the Bug Triage for this evening out 1 hour to 5pm PDT (8am in
PRC). The triage will remain at this time until Daylight Savings ends in
the US on Sunday, November 3.
Also of note, Europe will not observe Daylight Savings Time until
Sunday, March 31. As such we here in the US will be moving our bug
triage from 7am to 8am to accommodate this shift. If any US folks
dislike this extra hour of sleep, or if this move conflicts with your
schedule please let me know. We will resume "normal" 7am bug triages in
2 weeks.
Sorry for the late notice. I've updated the wiki:
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