Can I put a copyright notice of my company at the file header in such
minor bug correction?
Like Copyright (c) 2014, My Company. All rights reserved.<BR>

>>> Em Terça, 28 de Janeiro de 2014 às 14:57, na mensagem
"Carsey, Jaben" <> gravou:

There is a page describing how to contribute.
basically it’s a patch file after you agree to a license file, and then
the owner of that package reviews it and if approved, applies it to the

From:Leandro Becker [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7:55 AM
Subject: [edk2] Submitting code bug correction


Hello guys,


I would like to submit a correction to a bug I found on "for" command
whe doing things like for %x in *.txt

What is the best way to submit? A .patch file? The entire for.c file?


Thank you!


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