This is a small hint for people who want to see the changes in .uni
files (== UCS-2 encoded strings for HII forms) while using git. I've
distilled it from <> and I'm
posting it to save others time.

(1) Add the following lines to your .git/info/attributes (the .uni one
is imporant, the others are here just for completeness):

*.efi -diff
*.EFI -diff
*.uni diff=uni
*.UNI diff=uni
*.bin -diff
*.BIN -diff
*.raw -diff
*.RAW -diff
*.bmp -diff
*.BMP -diff

(2) Then edit .git/config:

[diff "uni"]
        textconv = iconv -f UCS-2 -t UTF-8
        binary = true

(3) Profit! :)

Note that this only helps with *viewing* changes as patches. Git still
won't help you resolve conflicts during rebases, it won't try to merge
changes, and importantly it won't generate textual patches in
git-format-patch. You'll also still need a UCS-2 compatible text editor
that preserves the BOM (like "gedit") to edit .uni files.


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