On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 00:44 +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> I "guess" it should work at the moment (and -UNO_BUILTIN_VA_FUNCS would
> be easy enough to add under [BuildOptions] in
> "CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/OpensslLib.inf").
> But, as soon as a "genuinely" EFIAPI function with a variable argument
> list appeared in "OpensslLib.inf", things would break again.

I'm slightly confused. Why does it *only* matter for varargs functions?
I thought that on some platforms, the difference between the ELF ABI
and the MS ABI extended to putting arguments in *completely* different
registers? Why doesn't that bite us?

> Any particular reason for disliking these hunks of
> "EDKII_openssl-1.0.2d.patch" (over the other hunks)?

Oh, I dislike lots of other bits of that too. I'm just working through
them all separately. Are you on the openssl-dev mailing list? :)

> So, this issue is not fixable globally under gcc. With gcc (compiling
> for x86_64), EFIAPI and non-EFIAPI differ from each other,.. 

Well, why don't we just add -mabi=ms to the compiler flags? Then EFIAPI
in the source code could be a no-op, right?

Alternatively, why in $DEITY's name doesn't GCC give us a set of
builtin functions which actually DTRT according to whether *this*
particular function is being built with the MS ABI or not? Is there a
PR for that already?


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