i had sent this note to bob hayden .. re: simulating a sampling 
distribution of r values ... assuming that rho = 0 in the population

i know there are ways to simulate a set of X and Y data (i have one) with 
some specified r ... but, does anyone know of a routine (in minitab would 
be nice) that would allow you to insert some rho value ... specify a paired 
n size ... and then say how many variables one wants? 10 variables, 20, 
etc. ... so as to generate many many pairs of rs all at once (10 variables 
would produce 45 unique rs, etc.) ... from which to make a dotplot (for 
example) to get a feel for what the sampling distribution would look like?

thanks for any leads

MTB > rand 20 c1-c20;
SUBC> inte 20 40.
MTB > corr c1-c20 m1
MTB > copy m1 c30-c49
MTB > stack c30-c49 c50
MTB > Code (1) '*' C50 c52
MTB > dotp c52

Dotplot: C52

20 Points missing or out of range
                                ::     :
                                ::     :
                                ::     :
                            :   ::: :: : :
                           ::   :::::::: :   :
                           :::: ::::::::::   :
                     :  : ::::: :::::::::::  :: :
                     :  : ::::: ::::::::::::::: :::
                     :::: ::::: ::::::::::::::: :::
             :   :   :::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::     :
             ::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :  :     :
            -0.50     -0.25      0.00      0.25      0.50      0.75

MTB > desc c52

Descriptive Statistics: C52

Variable             N         N*       Mean     Median     TrMean      StDev
C52                380         20    -0.0168    -0.0172    -0.0166     0.2283

Variable       SE Mean    Minimum    Maximum         Q1         Q3
C52             0.0117    -0.5772     0.6873    -0.1809     0.1303

NOTE: there are really only 190 unique rs here ... 1/2 of the N=380

dennis roberts, educational psychology, penn state university
208 cedar, AC 8148632401, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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