At 01:55 PM 4/3/01 -0500, Drake R. Bradley wrote:

>While I agree with the sentiments expressed by others that attachments should
>not be sent to email lists, I take exception that this should apply to small
>(only a few KB or so) gif or jpeg images. Pictures *are* often worth a
>thousand words, and certainly it makes sense that the subscribers to a stat
>list would occasionally want to post a graph or figure so as to illustrate a
>particular statistical point. (David Howell posted a graph of a sampling
>distribution.) It is more than a little ironic that this would be against the
>rules for this list!

though more of a pain ... what i tend to do is to make graphs and post to 
my webspace ... then tell folks of the url ... then it is their choice to 
go and see

in eudora, we can insert an image to the text space ... and this can be 
neat ... but, some may be able to see it in the text ... or, get it as an 
attachment ... but, i have had some feedback that doing this CAN goof 
things up too ... at their end (the technicalities of why i don't know)

i can certainly just attach stuff and send ...

it is all i can do on some occasions ... NOT to add to the message or as an 
attachment ... someTHING ... perhaps a pic ...

but, i just resist sending any attachments to any list ... for a variety of 
reasons ...

i use ... a nice desktop search tool ... and one 
nice thing about it is you can save your search results as a browser 
webfile ... and then send AS AN ATTACHMENT to a person, list, etc. ... and 
when they open the attachment ... it IS already in an opened ie or netscape 
... so you get the benefits of the short url descriptions and workable 
links ... BUT, even there, i hesitate to send this attachment to a list 
(who knows what evil might parasite itself along with it?)

i know that sometimes ... one might have something to share ... and it 
would be MUCH easier to share it once ... rather than say ... "i have a pic 
i can send to anyone who wants it ... send me a note" ... and this makes 
FAR more work for the sender (so, they opt for NOT doing anything with 
it)  AND, invariably, one then gets posts to the entire list rather than to 
the specific person who has the 'thing' to share

sure is a tangled web we live in

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