In Johannes Hartig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi all,
: I have a (hopefully simple but not stupid) software question
: related to factor analysis of dichotomous variables:
: Christofferson (1975) described a GLS estimator for the
: factorization if dichotomous data based on the marginal
: distributions for single items and item pairs. Muthen (1978)
: suggested another method based on the same information.
: I just need to know: Have these estimators ever been
: implemented in some statistical software pacakge?
: Thanks a lot for any hint,
: Johannes Hartig

Muthen's approach is available in his MPlus software, which can be
purchased at

  Michael A. Babyak, PhD                (919) 684-8843 (Voice)  
  Box 3119                              (919) 684-8629 (Fax)            
  Department of Psychiatry                                      
  Duke University Medical Center        [EMAIL PROTECTED]        
  Durham, NC 27710                                              

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