I've gone to a lot of trouble to add Bayesian adjustment in a spreadsheet 
for estimating confidence limits of an individual's true score when the 
subject is assessed with a noisy test.  I specify the prior belief simply 
by stating a best guess of the true score, and its x% likely limits, with 
assumption of normality.  I now realize that the adjustment is sensitive to 
the value of x, but how does a person know what x is for a given belief?

For example, I might believe that the individual's true score is 70 units, 
and that the likely range is +/- 10 units.  So what describes 
"likely"?  90%, 95%, 99%...?  Do Bayesians have any validated way to work 
that out?  If they don't, then the whole Bayesian edifice might just come 
crashing down.  I put this to a Bayesian who has been helping me, but I 
have received no reply from him since I sent the message, so I suspect the 


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