I have to summarize the results of some clinical trials.
Unfortunately the reported information is not complete.
The information given in the trials contain:

(1) Mean effect in the treatment group (days of hospitalization)

(2) Mean effect in the control group (days of hospitalization)

(3) Numbers of patients in the control and treatment group

(4) p-values of a t-test (between the differences of treatment
    and control)
My question:
How can I calculate the variance of treatment difference which I need
to perform meta-analysis? Note that the numbers of patients in the
control and treatment group are not equal. Is it possible to do it
like this

s^2 = (difference between contr and treatm in days)^2/ (1/n1+1/n2)*

How exact would such an approximation be?

I now that meta-analysis is a complex thing and my abilities in 
statistics are limited.

Many thanks for your help.

Marc, Germany

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