folks ... my understanding is that ... the original poster had 4 item 
scores ... based on items from a l of control scale ... that in its 
original form was longer but ... this person was using secondary data ... 
so, what she had was what she had. now, whether or not these specific 4 
items really tap l of control or not ... or whether the longer l of control 
scale is a good measure of something or not ... or whether l of control 
itself is a useful construct or not ... it seems to me that given the data 
situation that this person is in ... i don't see much alternative to 
summing the items as a mini measure of l of control ... and then she either 
lives or dies given that summation as a mini proxy of the full measure 
scores that could have been obtained IF the primary collector of the data 
had done this differently

this is a problem with secondary data analysis ...
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