----- Original Message -----
 From: schlawalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 9:48 AM
 Subject: First Moment of Quotient of 2 Random Variables

 > Given three continuos random variables X, Y, Z with well-defined means,
> variances, and covariances.  Is it possible to represent E(X/Y) and
> E(Z^2/XY) as a function of the means, variances, and covariances of X,
> Y, and Z?
> Thx in advance,
> Christian

    No; unless f_X,Y(a,0) = 0 for all a (this is necessary but not
  E(X/Y) is undefined. Otherwise there would be a rectangular region
 [a-b,a+b] x (0,y] on which f_X,Y(x,y) was greater than some positive K, and
 the integral of
 f_X,Y(x,y)  x/y would diverge on that rectangle, as y approached 0.

     Moreover, it is easy to see that such a counterexample can occur with
 more or less any combination of means, variances, covariances, etc; this
 suggests that even using such formalisms as the Cauchy principal value to
 handle the integral we cannot hope to get any such formula.

     The special case of the quotient of two normal distributions centered
 0 being the Cauchy distribution [f_X(x) = 1/(pi(1+x^2))] is well known. The
 important thing to realize is that this is not a special feature of the
 normal distribution, or anything to do with tail weights, or avoidable by
 having E(Y) <> 0.  It is simply that if the denominator distribution can be
 0 then you are often coming close to dividing by 0, thus getting big

     It is true that if the probability of Y being close to 0 is very small
 the quotient may usually act as if it had a mean. That is, sample means
 almost always be well behaved.  However, this is like the St. Petersburg
 paradox, a delusion based on the fact that a finite number too big for most
 practical purposes is not really infinite.

     An example like the St. Petersburg paradox but less confusing: Suppose
 I sell $1 lottery tickets each of which has 1 chance in 1,000 of winning a
 $2,000 prize. I will soon be bankrupt, and you can use me as an Awful
 Warning of the dangers of not knowing probability theory.

     However, if I sell $1 lottery tickets each of which has 1 chance in a
 trillion of winning a 2 trillion dollar prize, limiting my sales only to
 what I need to finance a multimillionnaire's lifestyle, it is almost
 that I will die wealthy - despite the fact that the expected value of the
 two types of ticket is the same.

     -Robert Dawson

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